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INEC Frequently Asked Questions


1 Q: What is a Temporary Voter’s Card?
A: it is a temporary identification card issued to a voter at the point of registration. It also contains the bio-data, biometrics and facial image of the voter. It will be submitted for exchange with a Permanent Voter’s Card (PVC) when the PVC is ready for collection.

2 Q: What is a Permanent Voter’s Card, (PVC)?
A: It is the card used for identification and authentification of voters during elections. It is a smart card-based voter Identification. It stores voter’s information such as bio-data, biometrics and facial image. The card technology provides adequate security features to reduce vulnerability to counterfeiting.

3. Q: Where can I collect my PVC?
A: PVC distribution will be at the Polling Unit where the prospective voter registered or designated distribution centre.

4. Q: I was unable to collect my PVC because I travelled during specified distribution period?
A: Those who are unable to collect their PVC during the specified period shall, thereafter, collect them from the INEC office in the LGA where they registered.

5. Q: if I register during the CVR, can I get a PVC?
A: No, only those who registered before now can get a PVC.

6. Q: My name is not in the display, but I have a TVC?
A: Sorry, go and re-register.

7. Q: What will happen if I don’t have PVC to vote?
A: You can vote with your TVC.

8. Q: What happens if I lose my PVC?
A: You can’t vote without your PVC, you have to apply for a new PVC to the REC through the Electoral Officer in LGA, where you registered.

9. Q: Can I collect PVC for my relation?
A: no collection by proxy.

10. Q: If I lose my Voter’s Card, can I get a new one?
A: Yes, by approaching the Electoral Officer responsible for your LGA not less than thirty (30) days before Election Day. If satisfied that the original voter’s Card is indeed lost, defaced or in any other way unusable, the EO will issue a new Card that is clearly marked “Duplicate”.

11: Q: Can I transfer my polling unit?
A: Yes, you can transfer your polling unit within the state and even outside state. You can transfer your polling unit by applying to the REC through the Electoral Officer in LGA, where you want to transfer using Form EC TF. 01.

12: Q: I want to register in my village, but cannot go back to register. Can I register now and transfer later?
A: Yes you can. If you are eligible to register then you can request for a transfer at a later date by applying to the REC through Electoral Officer in LGA, where you want to transfer to using Form EC TF.01.

13: Q: I’m 17 years old now, but will be 18 years old by the time of the Governorship elections. Can I register?
A: No you cannot, because according to the Electoral Law, only people that are 18 years of age at the time of Registration are allowed to register for the poll.


1. Q: What is Accreditation?
A: The process of verifying the eligibility of a prospective voter before voting commences

2. Q: What is a Ballot Box?
A: A transparent box in which voters drop their ballot

3. What is a Ballot Paper?
A: A paper on which a voter marks his/her choice

4. Q: What is By-Election?
A: An election to replace a Member of Parliament or Legislature occasioned by death, resignation or vacancy arising from a recall.

5. Q: What is a Checklist?
A: An inventory of items required for voting exercise

6. Q: What is a Cluster?
A: A number of polling units located in an area for easy management

7. What is Collation?
A: Tabulation or summation of voters cast at an election

8. Q: What is a Collation Centre?
A: A designated place where election results are summed up for each candidates

9. Q: What is a Constituency?
A: A geographical area represented by an elected person

10. Q: What is an Election?
A: The act of choosing by one candidate out of many through secret vote

11. What is General Elections?
A: Elections conducted in the Federation at large for Federal and State Elective positions.

12. Q: What is a Local Government Area (LGA)?
A: A level of government in the Federation

13. What is a Poll?
A: The process of voting at an election and number of votes cast in an election.

14. What is a Polling Unit (PU)?
A: A designated location where registered voters cast their votes on Election Day.

15. Q: What is a Register of Voters?
A: The list of persons eligible to vote at an election.

16. Q: What is a Registration Area (RA)?
A: A defined geographical area covering a number of Polling Units.

17. Q. What is a Run-off Election?
A: An election conducted when the first election failed to produce a clear winner, for the positions of President and Governor.

18. Q: What is a Non-Sensitive Material?
A: A Non-sensitive material is an essential material needed with no security or classified information. It does not bear directly on the conduct of the election and is not used to determine the end result. For example, envelopes indelible ink, voting cubicles, ballot box seals, posters, twine, etc.

19. Q: What is a Sensitive Material?
A: A Sensitive Material is a security material with classified information in an election and bears directly on the conduct of the election as it is used to determine the end result. For example, Form EC8 A (Statement of Result of Poll from Polling Stations)

20. Q. Why is Form EC8A important?
A: Form EC. 8A is important because it is used to record the votes scored by political parties fielding candidates in an election, at the polling station level. Results of votes at this level are collated and counted to determine a winner.

21. Q: Why is Form EC. 8E important?
A: Form EC. 8E (Declaration of Result Form) is important because it is the form on which the winner at an election is declared and returned.

22. Q: What is a Spoiled Ballot Paper?
A: A torn or damaged ballot paper that cannot be used for voting

23. Q: What is a Tendered Ballot?
A: A vote cast by a voter whose right to vote has been used by another voter.

24. Q: What is Voter Identification Number (VIN)?
A: A unique number assigned to a voter on registration


1. Q: Who is an Administrative Secretary?
A: The Administrative Secretary assists the REC in implementing the policies of the Commission and overseeing the administration of the State offices of INEC.

2. Q: Who is an Applicant?
A: Any person seeking to be registered as a voter (used interchangeably with the term “registrant”

3. Q: Who is an Assistant Presiding Officer (APO)?
A: An Official who assists the Presiding Officer in a polling station on Election Day and in charge of a voting point assigned to him/her

4. Q: Who is an Assistant Registration Officer (ARO)?
A: An Official who is responsible for the registration activities at each registration centre. There are usually three of such officers in the registration centre (that is, ARO I, ARO II and ARO III) with specific functions, however, the ARO I is the overall head of the registration centre.

5. Q: Who is a Collation Officer (CO)?
A: A designated Official who receives election results for tabulation and summation. He/she may be appointed to serve at either the Ward/Registration Area, Constituency, LGA, State or National levels.

6. Q: Who is an Election Official?
A: An Officer of the Commission, or designated by the Commission and charged with the conduct and supervisor of an election

7. Q: Who is an Electoral Officer (EO)?
A: A staff of the Commission who heads the Commission’s office at the Local Government Area or Area Council level.

8. Q. Who is a Party Agent?
A: A representative of a political party at a Collation Centre.

9. Q: Who is a Polling Agent?
A: Any person appointed by a political party to represent it at a polling station to observe the conduct of election.

10. Q: Who is a Poll Official?
A: Any officer of the Commission engaged in the conduct of poll at an election.

11. Q: Who is a Presiding Officer (PO)?
A: A poll official in charge of the conduct of elections in a Polling Unit on Election Day, and oversees the voting points under his/her jurisdiction on Election Day

12. Q: Who is a Resident Electoral Commissioner (REC)?
A: An election official who is in charge of all elections and election-related activities in a state. He/she is responsible to the INEC HQ.

13. Q: Who is a Returning Officer (RO)?
A: An election official who collates and declares the results of an election and returns the winner of the election.

14. Q: Who is a Supervisory Presiding Officer (SPO)?
A: A Poll Official who supervises the conduct of an election in a cluster of Polling Units.

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